The name Martenses probably stems from a reference to soldiers serving the pagan god of war, Mars. It is likely that the early history of the unit is tied to the Legio I Flavia Martis which was founded by the emperor Constantius I Chlorus (293-306), who belonged to the Flavian dynasty as the name Martis refers to the god Mars. The unit served in Gaul and other units with the same surname are known to have guarded the Rhine border and the Armorican coast. 
A legion called the Martenses is mentioned in the Notitia Dignitatum, a 5th century register of Roman government positions and military commands. The commander of the legion was the Dux of Mogontiacensis and his command was located in the area around Mainz, Germany. These troops would have fought in the area around Mainz trying to stem the flow of Franks and Alamanni.Comments
The figures in the unit shown below are from Black Tree Designs with hand painted shields.
The Menapii were a Belgic tribe of north-eastern Gaul in pre-Roman and Roman times. Their territory corresponds more or less with the region around the modern city of Gent (the modern Belgian province of Oost-Vlaanderen) but extended up to the Schelde estuary. Their civitas was
Cassel (northern France), near Terouanne.
A cohort of Menapian auxiliaries has been documented as being in Britain by inscriptions dating to the 2nd century. Carausius, the 3rd century commander of the Roman fleet who declared himself emperor of Britain and northern Gaul, was a Menapian. A legion called the Menapii Seniores is mentioned in the Notitia Dignitatum, a 5th century register of Roman government positions and military commands. The commander of the legion was the Dux of Mogontiacensis and his command was located in the area around Mainz, Germany. These troops would have fought in the area around Mainz trying to stem the flow of Franks and Alamanni.
The figures in the unit shown below are from Black Tree Designs with shield transfers from Little Big Men Studios. Unit painted in the summer of 2007.
A unit loosely based on the Batavian forces used by Rome. A Horse unit called the
Equites Batavi Iuniores is mentioned in the Notitia Dignitatum, a 5th century register of Roman government positions and military commands. This Horse unit was a vexillationes palatinae unit and part of the Gallic command.
The Batavians were first mentioned by Julius Caesar in his commentary Gallic Wars, as living on an island formed by the Rhine River after it splits, one arm being the Waal the other the Lower Rhine/Old Rhine. The strategic position, the high bank of the Waal -- which offers an unimpeded view far into Germania Transrhenanum (Germania Beyond the Rhine) - was recognized first by Drusus, who built a massive fortress (castra) and a headquarters (praetorium) in imperial style. The latter was in use until the Batavian revolt.
The last mention of the Batavians was in 355 during the reign of Constantius II (317 - 361), when their island was already dominated by the Salii, a Frankish tribe that had sought Roman protection there in 297 AD after having been expelled from their own country by the Saxons. Comments
This unit is also known as Chlodio’s Batavian Horse on my gaming table. While they have a somewhat uniform appearance due to their shields, these fellows have been known to play both sides of table... for a little gold Chlodio will do almost anything.The figures in the unit shown are from Gripping Beast.
Unit History
A vexillationes comitatenses unit, the Equites Honoriani Seniores (Knights of the Honored First) were three Ordines, of partially armoured men, on unarmoured horses, with javelins, sword and shield. They relied on the speed of movement, the terror of cavalry in general, and the effect of concentration to break enemy formations. Well suited to fight other cavalry.
The unit has been mentioned in being both in Britanniarum and part of the forces around Mogontiacensis. The unit was in Britanniarum around the reign of Honorius or later (393-423). Around Mogontiacensis (the area around Mainz, Germany) these troops would have tried to stem the flow of Franks and Alamanni.
The figures in the unit shown are from Black Tree Designs with shield transfers from Little Big Men Studios. Unit painted over Christmas 2007.